An adventure on two rails. Step 7: Arles and Camargue (France)

To leave Montpellier is sad, because we enjoyed it, but also because the one of Arles will be our last stop. Once again, for eight days now, we fill our InterRail ticket and we reach the small city of western Provence. We will spend two nights in a room for rent, which in reality is a microscopic claustrophobic attic, whichContinuaContinua a leggere “An adventure on two rails. Step 7: Arles and Camargue (France)”

An adventure on two rails. Step 4: Ljubljana (Slovenia)

In Ljubljana, arrived by train in the late afternoon from Bled lake, we are welcomed by Nika, a girl I knew two summers ago in Rotterdam, because she was also hosted by the same girls with Couchsurfing. We had met for few hours and two years are gone, but in spyte of everything she welcomes us with a big smileContinuaContinua a leggere “An adventure on two rails. Step 4: Ljubljana (Slovenia)”

7 Countries in 30 days. Step 18: Barcelona (Spain)

We arrive in Barcelona after 15 hours on a night train from La Coruña. The thought that in 24 hours I’ll be in Italy again, after a month travelling, makes me a little bit sad. With my traveling companion, we leave the huge backpacks which accompany us in the safes of bus station, to immerse ourselves inContinuaContinua a leggere “7 Countries in 30 days. Step 18: Barcelona (Spain)”

7 Countries in 30 days. Step 3: Bruxelles (Belgium)

The banks of the Rhine accompany me away from the German mountains, towards the Belgian plain. Boats and barges are moving slowly on the large river, while on the opposite bank I see passing little quaint villages, still intact, unchanged for centuries,  guarded by the castles perched on the hills behind. Bayreuth, Nuremberg, Koln, Aachen: in halfContinuaContinua a leggere “7 Countries in 30 days. Step 3: Bruxelles (Belgium)”

7 Countries in 30 days. Step 2: Bayreuth (Germany)

The journey by train from Munich to Nuremberg is quiet boring. I’m leaving a little bit tired and already after few minutes I can’t wait to get off that train crowded with commuters. But, once I change the train in the city of the famous trials, I like this one more. It is small and slowly creepsContinuaContinua a leggere “7 Countries in 30 days. Step 2: Bayreuth (Germany)”